

It is often said that life is a journey, an unanticipated road filled with experiences that will shape us, teach us, and sometimes, wound us. For many, trauma is a painful reality, an unpleasant interruption in life’s narrative. It’s a disability that isn’t inherited or born from physical injury, but one that is acquired along the way as we collect memories and experiences. Different from a physical injury, trauma doesn’t always leave a visible scar. Yet, it has the power to cast a long shadow over our lives, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in exhaustive ways.

Time is relentless. It continues its march forward, never pausing, never waiting. Yet, for those who bear the weight of traumatic experiences, time doesn’t necessarily heal all wounds. What happened a few minutes ago, months ago, or even years ago can come rushing back in an unexpected, intense flood of emotions. A familiar smell, a song, an innocent comment, or an unexpected environment can serve as triggers, throwing one back into the depths of those unpleasant memories.

The human mind has a curious way of storing memories. It can keep a tight lid on the most distressing ones, hiding them deep within. Yet, occasionally, these memories rush to the front line, unconscious and unaware. When they do, they often come with powerful emotions: shame, sadness, anger. They bring us to that moment in time, making it feel as immediate and raw as it was when it first occurred.

In such moments, it’s not uncommon for one to wish for a quick escape, a way to get rid of the memory back into the forgotten memories of the mind. The desire to scream, to drown out the thoughts with pure volume and force, is all too real. Yet, as many who’ve tried can attest, such tactics often prove ineffective. Trauma doesn’t disappear simply because we will it away. It demands acknowledgment, understanding, and healing.

Someone once said to me, “There are things in life that you don’t want to remember.” The weight of that statement is beyond question, reflecting on the sentiments of countless souls who have been touched by trauma. It’s a plea, a request for sensitivity and understanding. It’s a reminder that we should walk lightly around the hearts and minds of others, for we never truly know the suffering they carry.

Addressing trauma requires patience, compassion, and professional support. It’s a journey, much like life itself. As we navigate the path of healing, it’s essential to remember that trauma may be a part of our story, but it doesn’t define who we are. With time, understanding, and support, the wounds of trauma can heal, allowing us to move forward with the strength of our minds and discipline.