

In today’s digital age, the unmixed volume of data being processed is astonishing. To put it into perspective, approximately 328.77 million terabytes of data are processed in the digital world every single day (82,250,000,000,000 images every day.) This number is almost incomprehensible, especially when you consider that the average human brain processes about 74 gigabytes daily. But what does this mean for us as individuals and for society as a whole?

Among the vast amount of data our brains process, images play a significant role. It’s estimated that our brains can process up to 22,500 images every day (74 gigabytes.) These images, whether they’re from social media, news websites, or personal photos, can profoundly impact our moods. A fleeting glance at a photo might last just one to two seconds, but certain images can captivate us, making us pause and reflect for three to four minutes or even longer. The duration often depends on our current mood and how the image resonates with our emotions.

However, it’s crucial to remember that what we see in these images, especially on social media, is often a curated version of reality. Behind the lens, the lifestyle can be vastly different from the polished, picture-perfect scenes portrayed in front of it. This curated reality can sometimes distort our perceptions, leading to feelings of insufficiency or a tilted understanding of the world.

While the digital world offers unparalleled access to information and connectivity, it’s not universally accessible. The privilege of being digitally connected is often reserved for those who can afford smartphones with high-speed data plans or those with access to fast Wi-Fi connections. This leaves out a significant portion of the population, including the homeless, those with low incomes, or those in areas without fast internet access. These individuals remain largely unaware of the digital conversations that might be centered around them or their circumstances.

In the absence of internet access, many turn to television as their primary source of information. This is especially true for criminals, many of whom take pride when their crimes are broadcasted on the news. For them, seeing their actions on TV can be a twisted badge of honor.

The daily barrage of digital data, from news articles to social media posts, can evoke a wide range of emotions in us. Whether it’s fear from a news report about a crime spree, sadness from a heartbreaking story, joy from a heartwarming video, or confusion from evasive information, our emotions are constantly being tugged in different directions.

The digital age has brought about unprecedented access to information and a constant stream of data. While this has many advantages, it’s essential to approach it with a cultured eye and an understanding of its potential impact on our emotions and perceptions. As we navigate this digital world, let’s strive to find balance, ensure inclusivity, and remain humble in reality.