

The fascination of first dates is undeniable. The thrill of meeting someone new, the butterflies in the stomach, and the anticipation of what the evening might bring. First dates are often considered the best dates, and there’s a reason for that. When you’re partnering up with someone who’s new to your world, the age-old question of “where do you want to go?” is nowhere in sight. The plan for the evening is premeditated, set in stone, and both parties are eager to see where the night will lead.

The animalistic nature of humans comes into play on these first dates. Just as a lion in the wilderness pursues its prey with unwavering focus, humans too have an intrinsic drive that pushes them towards intimacy. The climax of the evening often leans towards an aroused encounter, a basic instinct that temporarily calms the flow of testosterone. And once that’s achieved, the chase begins once again, much like the cycle of life in the wild.

However, as time goes on and relationships evolve, the lust changes. The question, “Where do you want to go?” becomes more general, especially among couples who have been together for a while. This seemingly innocent question can sometimes be the root of frustration. Disagreements arise, pouting ensues, and what was once a simple decision can spiral into a full-blown argument. Why? Because as time passes, people change. The fanatical chase that characterized the early days of the relationship fades, much like the initial physical attraction that once seemed so tempting.

The phrase “What do you want to do tonight?” is met with a lack of excitement. It’s an indicator that the pizzazz, the essential that once exhilarated the relationship, is taking a nosedive. Date nights that were once filled with adventure and spontaneity are replaced by normal evenings on the couch, pizza in hand, and a movie playing in the background. The passion that once lasted hours is now a short-lived moment of adrenaline. Even the knottiest efforts to revitalize the excitement, like dressing up or planning a surprise, can feel lifeless once the initial thrill of the chase has come to an end.

It’s like eating the same meal every day. No matter how delicious it might be, over time, the sense of taste desires something different, something new. And that’s when the agitation of the relationship shifts. The question, “What do you want to do tonight?” takes on a new meaning, signaling a thirst for change, for curiosity.

Ultimately, while first dates might be fascinating and filled with expectations, it’s required for couples to always take care of their indemnification, ensuring that the excitement and affection remain alive. After all, relationships are a call of nature, not an isolated place, and it’s the shared display of affection and determination to keep the fire burning that meticulously makes it worth the effort.