

Do you remember what you had for breakfast last Tuesday? Or the color of the shirt you wore on Sunday? For many of us, these details fade away, lost in the unexciting part of our daily lives. Our minds are constantly flooded with information and often prioritize and retain only the most impactful events. But what determines which memories stick and which ones fade away?

In the ordinary world, days turn into weeks, and weeks into months. The lack of routine can make it challenging to recall specific details from a few days ago. This occurrence isn’t a sign of a faulty memory but rather the brain’s way of filtering out the plain and mindlessness. After all, not every moment is worth remembering. But what about those moments that are?

Imagine a criminal, heart racing, as they commit a crime. The weight of their actions, the fear of getting caught, and the adrenaline rush make this moment anything but ordinary. For them, this isn’t just another day; it’s a life-altering event. While most of us might forget a regular day at work or a casual evening with friends, a criminal is haunted by the glowing re-experience of their crime. In today’s age, where surveillance is present everywhere, the fear of being watched and eventually caught amplifies these memories. Every knock on the door, every police siren in the distance, serves as a chilling reminder of their actions.

For such individuals, their crime becomes a traumatic event, replaying in their minds like a broken record. The constant unease of being apprehended by the authorities intensifies these memories. It’s a clear echo to the brief memories of everyday life for most people. But why is that?

Memories are not just a record of events; they are interlaced with emotions. The stronger the emotion, the greener the memory. Traumatic events, moments of extreme joy, or profound sadness create lasting imprints on our minds. It’s why we remember our graduation day, the birth of a child, or the loss of a loved one, but might forget what we had for dinner a week ago.

In the end, while daily life might blur into a forgettable blur for most, certain events, especially those charged with intense emotion, remain etched in our minds. Whether it’s the joy of a significant achievement, the sorrow of a personal loss, or the guilt and fear of a committed crime, these memories linger, reminding us of our past. As the saying goes, some memories are like “skeletons in the closet,” hidden but never truly gone.